Develop-Operate-Maintain-Transer (DOMT)

Projects Under Develop-Operate-Maintain-Transer (DOMT)

Total Projects
Sl ProjectName PPPModel Project Cost (Rs in Crore) Status Approval Date
1 ISBT at 4 Locations DOMT Rs.14 Terminated NA
2 Redevelopment of 7 Bus Terminals DOMT Rs.87 Pipeline NA
3 Redevelopment of 14 Bus Terminals DOMT Rs.0 Pipeline NA
4 Cow Research Center Rishikesh DOMT Rs.7 Cancelled NA
5 Flush Door Factory Kotdwar (Rehabilitation) DOMT Rs.5 Cancelled NA
6 ISBT at 4 Locations DOMT Rs.14 Implementation NA
7 Integrated Sugarmill complex at sitarganj DOMT Rs.380 Implementation NA